A downloadable game
synopsis :
Un gardien d’une usine abandonnée assiste, au travers de sa fenêtre, à un événement étrange au loin.
Troublé et curieux de ce qu‘il vient de voir il décide de quitter son bureau pour aller voir ce qu’il se passe.
Message du dev :
Bonjour ! ceci est mon tout premier projet concret sur Unity, j'espère que vous aller aimer et apprécier l'ambiance général.
il est très court donc soyez indulgent quand vous l'aurai fini ;)
Synopsis :
A keeper in an abandoned factory sees a strange event in the distance through his window.
Disturbed and curious about what he has just seen, he decides to leave his office to see what is going on.
message from the dev :
Hello! this is my very first concrete project on Unity, I hope you will like it and enjoy the general atmosphere.
it's very short so please be indulgent when you finish it ;)
Install instructions
Ouvrir le fichier .zip et lancer l'exécutable.
Commandes :
E - interaction avec l'environnement
clic droit - Allumer/Eteindre la lampe torche
ZQSD - Pour se déplacer
Open the .zip file and launch the executable.
Controls :
E - Interaction with the environment
right clic - Turn On/Off the flashlight
WASD - To move
Development log
- Update 0.2Oct 05, 2022
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this game slapped. What a twist at the end tho
that was fun :D ! good video mate
thank you for the game :)
I also encountered some technical issues that require the game developers to take care of, thanks
Thanks for taking the time to test ;)
How interesting....
For ur first concept on Unity, keep it up! Tres bien Tres bien!
Thanks a lot ;) !
Whatt....??? Interesting....
there's something wrong, why it has 11 000 stars, nobody see it?
I don't know why but I got spammed by a bot
I sent a message to support and got no answer
I reported that also but nothing changed.
thank you ! glad you liked it ;)
Help I can't look around with mouse. It's just stuck in plac
I can't look around, either.
Hi ! sorry for that ! try to change the sensitivity in the pause menu !
i'll look this !
nice story
thank you !
you are a fucking GENIUUUUUUUUUS
W not working ... but ASD can !
i use US keybord to play WASD, maybe play game is orther KEy... so W can't go straigth. So i google keyboard of frech, i see your key religion key is Z = W on my US keyboard... so i go straight ahead = Z... (WTF) :)))
Hi sorry i don't know why it doesn't work i tried myself turning my keyboard to qwerty and that work so i have to look that !
Hi i made an update ! problem should be fixed ! enjoy !
"w" won't work. So, I can't walk forward. I tested my keyboard on other games and I can walk just fine.
Hi sorry ! I tried to turn my keyboard in qwerty and that work for me so i don't know why it doesn't work for you
I will look !
Ty I'm looking forward to playing!
Hi i made an update ! problem should be fixed ! enjoy !
Does the game require to know French?
Or can we play through with english text ingame? :)
The little bit that I played the text was in French
Nope it's all in french but I gonna make a traduction soon !
Hi ! the game is actually in english or in french so you can play it if you want ;)
Thank you for the update!
Will try this out tomorrow :)
Ce jeu est incroyable, on voit que le mec qui a fait sa est un pro.